Thursday, April 3, 2008
Back Squat – 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
Coach’s Notes: See what you can do in the back squat for 3 reps. Rest as appropriate between sets. The more experienced the lifter and the later the set the longer the rest, somewhere between 2 and 7 minutes. Post load for all sets to comments.
Ooh. Arty…
Today: 167/177/187/197/207/217
(Last time (Feb 4th) 140/150/170/190/200/200)
BTW, the Feb 4th WOD of 5 x 3 reps of backsquat was a site workout, so if you were following this site, it won’t be the same….
Not sure about where to start and stop weight-wise on this one…
Monopolized the one and only rack at Cardel Place for about 30 minutes.
These were actually all PR’s. I can honestly say this was the first time I did squats properly…that is breaking parallel…I was pleased with my effort and realize I still have to sit in front of my TV sitting in the bottom of my squat and improving my technique…
Winnipeg today. 31/147
BWU *3 With Sotts Press up to 20lbs
Back Squat 5 *5 :180
hands on 1″ plates
Negative – forehead to ground 5 * 10, :60
PR on the 235’s, and happy for the safety bars on the 245. It just wasn’t going up.
97, 107, 112, 113 (?) x 2, 118 (3), 123 (3), 128 (2)
Squats ATG — so need to practice box squats.
Ran out of time in class to reach my max weight…
Love that work out, I think its my Fav. so far!
Who knew back squats could be so fun? Great class!!
… / 88 / 93 / 2@98