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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Using only a dowel or PVC complete one round for time:

25 back squats

25 front squats

25 overhead squats

400m run

25 shoulder press

25 push press

25 push jerk

400m run

50 hang squat cleans

400m run

50 hang squat snatch

400m run


Coach’s notes:  Post time to complete to comments.

Compare to Sunday, November 4, 2007

Important reminder to current participants!  The deadline to save current class spots is April 25, so sign up now to secure a spot before they`re gone!  Click here for a registration form.

Comments: 14

Well, the folks at my lunchtime globo gym already suspected I was out of my mind, now this will leave them with no doubt…..Just wish I had one of those Crossfit Calgary T-shirt already.

I agree with you Pierre, for sure every one will think we are CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As Rx’d

I know it’s been a long wait for the t-shirts folks, but we finally got word that they’ll be in this weekend!

13:55….used a broomstick.

21:01 of fun.
Used the lightest bar I could find in the gym = 13 lb
Runs on treadmill.

As Rx’d

-Ran with TM at 9.7
-Full squats with a ball under my bum

Interesting one.


17:00, great tech. workout.

In Class


Didn’t put the brakes on down the hill on the 400m runs!

16:16 as Rx’d. Had to measure 400m using my car, don’t know how accurate it was but it was definatly at least 400m.

Yowser…great times! 27:55 Lots of room for improvement!

25 minutes and 40ish seconds.

18:21 as Rx’d
This was a good one for being out of town, and limited equipment.

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