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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Hang Clean – 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2


Coach’s notes:  Post load for each set to comments.


Compare to September 19, 2008



CFC is pleased to offer an additional CrossFit KIDS class (this class is reserved for ages 8-12 years old only) on Mondays 4:00-4:45.  Class starts April 20.   
A $50/month KIDS membership allows for up to 2 CrossFit Kids classes per week.  Drop-in rate is $15/class.


Comments: 8


6AM Workout at CFC: I think it was: 25 walking lunges/30 GHD sit up/400 m row/25 Jumping pull-ups/25 db front squats/400 m row/25 db push press/30 KBS/400 m row/50 abmat sit up. Weight was light (20lb) but WOD was metabolically challenging. Not sure what my time ended up being…

Lunch time: Hang cleans. 95×2, 115×2, 135×2, 145×2, 155×1+1(f), plus about 10 more singles at 135lb. Bwt=161lb.

25 DB W. Lunges @ 15lbs / 30 GHD Sit Ups / 400m Row / 25 Push Press @15lbs / 30 KB Swings @ 25lbs / 400m Row / 25 Jumping Chin Ups / 25 DB Front Squats @ 15lbs / 400m Row / 50 Sit Ups with AbMat

23 min ?? sec


75 85 90
95 100 105 110 115×1 thats a PB for me! thanks Brett

Neil – practiced got to 114 lbs
Judy – practiced got to 55 lbs

65/85/105/125/135/145/155/165F, 165F, 165F /135×5
Got under the bar fine at 165, but couldn’t front squat it out of the bottom. I’ll get it next time.


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