Thursday, April 10, 2008
5 rounds for time:
10 – 135 lb. Push Jerk
30 Push-ups
Coach’s notes: Gals use 95 lbs or scale as appropriate. Post time to complete to comments.
CrossFit Calgary is now offering CrossFit Kids classes. Check out the details here!
I’m either fatigued or this WOD is a lot harder than it looks…
Scaled down to 107 lb Push Jerks. Push-ups as Rx’d.
Need a day off now….
Scaled down to 107 lb Push Jerks. (This was a lot of weight for me and my poor technique)
Push-ups as Rx’d (no knees — they were still stinging from the abrasions caused by yesterday’s WOD).
Bring on tomorrow!
135 was to heavey right now.
Used 105, time was 13:59
18:28 (65#/ “girl” pushups)
Yowser…made for a fun drive home, who new steering required so many muscles!
Starting weight for Push Jerk was 71lbs…scaled to 66lbs…finished with 64lbs.
Push ups…from knees
I think time was 25:52…
Good workout…if I see you tomorrow and don’t wave, you know why!
I wore my OPT slogan shirt “get comfortable with the uncomfortable”. In hindsight, I should have worn a different shirt.
Unable to make the class, I headed to the Y with a quick video intro on the exercise in my mind. Not having done these before, I made the amateur mistake of not following form.
With this invention they call a mirror, I saw my arms were two wide and I put too much pressure on my shoulders. Needless to say i was in a bit of pain and had to finish my sets with a struggling pushups from the knees.
Weight was 115 # for first 3 sets then to 105#
70 p/u normal balance from knees
I hope I’m in fine form for tomorrow…lesson for the other noobies…make sure you get the technique down before injuring yourself…I regret every aching second of it!
‘girl’ push-ups
As Rx’d