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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Thursday, April 10, 2008


5 rounds for time:

10 – 135 lb. Push Jerk

30 Push-ups


Coach’s notes:  Gals use 95 lbs or scale as appropriate.  Post time to complete to comments.

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Comments: 8

I’m either fatigued or this WOD is a lot harder than it looks…
Scaled down to 107 lb Push Jerks. Push-ups as Rx’d.
Need a day off now….

Scaled down to 107 lb Push Jerks. (This was a lot of weight for me and my poor technique)
Push-ups as Rx’d (no knees — they were still stinging from the abrasions caused by yesterday’s WOD).


Bring on tomorrow!

135 was to heavey right now.
Used 105, time was 13:59

18:28 (65#/ “girl” pushups)

Yowser…made for a fun drive home, who new steering required so many muscles!
Starting weight for Push Jerk was 71lbs…scaled to 66lbs…finished with 64lbs.
Push ups…from knees
I think time was 25:52…
Good workout…if I see you tomorrow and don’t wave, you know why!

I wore my OPT slogan shirt “get comfortable with the uncomfortable”. In hindsight, I should have worn a different shirt.

Unable to make the class, I headed to the Y with a quick video intro on the exercise in my mind. Not having done these before, I made the amateur mistake of not following form.

With this invention they call a mirror, I saw my arms were two wide and I put too much pressure on my shoulders. Needless to say i was in a bit of pain and had to finish my sets with a struggling pushups from the knees.

Weight was 115 # for first 3 sets then to 105#
70 p/u normal balance from knees


I hope I’m in fine form for tomorrow…lesson for the other noobies…make sure you get the technique down before injuring yourself…I regret every aching second of it!


‘girl’ push-ups

As Rx’d

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