Thursday, April 1, 2010
Unbroken for time:
30 Box Jumps
5 Push Ups
25 Box Jumps
10 Push Ups
20 Box Jumps
15 Push Ups
15 Box Jumps
20 Push Ups
10 Box Jumps
25 Push Ups
5 Box Jumps
30 Push Ups
Coach’s notes: Unbroken means you cannot pause in any set once you start. If you pause you must redo the set. Guys use 24″, gals 20″ for box jumps. Post time to complete to comments.
CFC Beach
caper- funny!
scaled box jumps to 20″ to be able to do unbroken- which i did. push-ups were unbroken thru round of 20… on round 25 got to 15 and then failed so did 6 and 4 to finish. round of 30 push-ups got 10 then it went to 3’s, 2’s and singles. and i rested a long time before the rounds push-ups… there was just no way. fun wod!!!
10:40 scaled
PUs from knees
15″ box for box jumps, all sets unbroken
Had to break up last two sets of PUs (10-10-5 and 10-10-10)
23 something or other
24″ for the box jumps fell off on the 30th rep one and then broke up the 25 and 20 rounds all the rest were unbroken
push ups were unbroken tell 25 and 30
Barbell TT Final Homework
1 RM
Chin-up: 72.5 lbs (PR) (was 70)
Bench: 155 lbs (PR) (was 145)(current and previous PR were each 5 lbs under BW – hmmm?)
18″ box jumps once i got to 20 reps. 30 and 25 were just not happening! Push ups no problem.
Time 21 min
20″ (wooden)
30 Box Jumps – Unbroken
then 17 Box jumps… stopped, stress from punding not worth it right now as still recovering my knees
Changed to step-downs for 25, 20, & 15 then back to jump for 10 and 5
Push-ups unbroken until 25 that was 17 and 8
last 30 were 13, 9, 8
need to work on push-ups and everything else
BROKEN at the set of 25 pushups. Made 22.
Finished all box jumps unbroken at time 11:32
Rested about 3 minutes, cranked out 17 pushups, legit max effort. Then doubles and singles to finish the 30. Didn’t check the time at the end.
29:10 – As Rx’d, first try and no break on sets with the exception of:
20 pushups – 12/8
25 pushups – 8/9/9
30 pushups – 10/10/10
This sucked!
Box Jumps: 24″; did 15 and lost my balance, tried again and did 15. Then did 30 on the 20″. For my 25’s I used the 24″ again and did 19. Then did 25 on the 20″. Did the rest in one attempt on the 20″.
Pushups: 5-15 were as RX’d. 20 was 10/10. 25 was 6/7/5/7. 30 was 6/6/6/6/6.
Thank you Gord!!!
As Rx’d (except 21″ box)
Assumed for pushups you could rest in plank/downward dog position