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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Sunday, September 6, 2009

3 rounds for time:


15 Hang power Clean

30 Box Jumps

60 Dowel Overhead Squats


 Coach’s notes:  Guys use 115 lbs and gals 75.  Box jumps are 15” for gals and 20 for guys.  Post time to complete to comments.

Compare to Sept. 4, 2008

Please note that CFC will be hosting a Barbell certification this Saturday, Sept. 12 and Sunday, Sept. 13, therefore regularly scheduled classes will be cancelled.  Thank you.

Comments: 18

Guys use 24 and gals 20 inches for box jump. We did not have enough of these boxes at the old place.

Correction gals are at 18 inches.

Blaine: 15:19 As Rx’d. Really wanted under 15 minutes, pushed that last 30 OHS so hard I am still having trouble walking….

Rebecca: 14:xx with 20″ box & 75 lb PC

Rx except PC scaled to 75 Ibs


Great class!

52lbs otherwise rx’d
Probably could have used heavier weight but by third round I got sloppy @ 52lbs.

I have my own formula fo what weight to use:
Wt.=prescribed X (BW/170) – (age-25)
Used 85 lbs

17:00 as rx’d!!! linds thanks (again) for saying I could do rx’d weight – much appreciated
Rebecca you just rock – nice time
thanks Brett and everyone – great class

Mod. – 25# db cleans

Switched to step down box jumps after 8 reps haha…

26:50 as rx’d
those Overhead Squats burned
thanks for the push everyone

14:02 as rx’d, was really trying to get under 14, oh well next time. Nice job on going with the rx’d weight Krista.

12:57 as rx’d

14:10 not quite as rx’d.

I did my best to do this as rx’d at the UNBC gym. I stacked the step aerobic risers to my best guess of 24″, but post workout analysis may have had it closer to 22″. There were no dowels, so I held a strap overhead, which actually felt pretty comparable to a dowel. The bar had no grip, and there was no chalk, so I was losing grip and couldn’t get through the 2nd and 3rd sets unbroken.

Target Training class-POSE
50 squat
800 m run
50 squat
800 m run
Thanks Trevor!!

as rxd 20:35

Adelle 42# 17:40
Rick 85# 17:07
This was another good one.

18:30 not rx’d with 60# and air squats.

57 lbs for cleans
15″ box

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