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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Sunday, September 5, 2010

1 round for time:

750 m Row

50 Sit-ups


50 Back Extensions

50 Wallballs

50 DB Deadlift

750m row


Coach’s notes:  Guys use 95#, gals 65# for SDLHP, 20# and 14# for wallballs and 50#/hand and 35#/hand for deadlift.  Post time to complete to comments.

Important Reminder – due to tomorrow being Labour Day, the holiday schedule will be in effect.  The 9:30 am and 6:00 pm classes will be available for attendance.  CF Kids classes will run as regularly scheduled.

Comments: 11

As rx’d 21:22 great job everyone in the 9 am! Thanks Brett!!

19:08 as rx’d. This is a good one, way to power through everyone in the 9am class. Thanks Brett.

SDLHP used 80 lbs. Rest as rx’d.


I thought my sit-ups went quite well.

SDLHP @ 47; Wallballs at 12 lbs.
Awesome work, 9:00 a.m.’ers Thanks Brett-y! From, Yazzie.

As rx’d.
Must have been to tired to remember to look at the total time, but definitely sub-25:00.
Row 1 – 3:12
Row 2 – 3:28

20:40 as rx’d. Great wod, I liked this one.

Used 75 lbs for SDLHP
Great WOD!!

SDLHP @ 44; Wallballs at 10lbs

44lb – SDLHP
40 back extentions
no wall ball – did full squats/body weight instead
25lb deadlifts – stiff legged

23:48 as rx’d
This was a good one!!!!

27:30 as rx’d.

Could have pushed myself a little bit more on wallballs and back extensions.

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