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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Sunday, September 18, 2016

1 Round for time:

100 Double Unders
25 Toes to Bar
25 Deadlift – 225#/155#
50 Box Jump Overs – 24”/20”

Coach’s notes:

Post time to complete to comments. Note that this is Event 2 in the CrossFit Team Series.

WOD Leaderboard

Comments: 12

7:55 rxd.
Fun one

Thanks Audra and Jas….oh wait. Just Audra

T2B were surprisingly small sets after DUs

8:17 rx’d.
“fun” sprints after, Aud!

9:20 did GHD sit-ups instead of toes to bar 73 lbs for DL and step on and over the box
And fun and on sprints and squats just to enjoy the sunshine.
Thanks Audra!

6:05 as Rx’d
Thanks Audra

T2B: about 1/2 legit.
DL: 140#. Keeping thing lighter this week.
Thanks Audra!

10 even
DU a mix of doubles and singles, about every 3rd skip was a double
Knees as high as possible for T2B alternated grip every 5 reps
DL @ 115
BJO, half BJ half step ups, hips tight from yesterday’s marathon run club, so not moving well today.

Thanks Audra

Assault bike instead of skipping
T2B needed more chalk so I had to break them into 2 sets
205lb deadlifts
Box jumps rx’ed including 2 misses, 1 of them quite spectacular or so I’m told.

Thanks Audra!

Barbell Strength:
A. Bench 5 sets of 3 w/ 2 sec pause on first rep at 80%. I did 212#
B. Close grip bench 3 sets for max reps at 60%. Used 160#. 15/9/7
C. Sumo Dradlift. Find 8RM. 345# for me today
D. Tabata ring rows. Didn’t keep count.
Thanks Jason for programming and my various spotters.

Nice work today Sarah on your first powerlifting comp. Ben and Kimmer also got their pump on as loaders all day.

Barbell strength as above:
A. 145#
B. Used 115#. 17/14/13
C. 185/205/225
D. Didn’t keep track.

Did Monday 8:13 rx’d

Hmm. 11:29 at work gym
DL @ 115
Felt pretty good about this workout until I saw everyone’s times.

Next time, do better.

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