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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Sunday, September 12, 2021

A1.  L-sit – 30s X 5 sets, rest 60-90s

A2.  3 Position Power Clean – 1/1/1 X 5 sets, rest 60-90s

Notes:  Start high hang, then knee, then floor.

A3.  Hip and Back Extension – 12-15 reps X 5 sets, rest 60-90s

A4.  Reverse Double Unders – 10-20 reps X 5 sets, rest 60-90s

Coach’s notes:

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Comments: 2

Felt very tired and had a tension headache coming on this morning so showing up was a win (I don’t think I was that productive). The highlights were that I:

– Worked up to 120# for my last two sets of the clean complex
– Did 6 and then 7 backwards double unders in a row (very excited about this because I’ve never done more than one!)

A1. L/h combo each round.
A2. Up to 185#
A3. 12 each round
A4. Reverse singles and forward doubles.
Thanks Josh!

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