Sunday, May 4, 2008
“Helen” – 3 rounds for time:
400m run
21 Kettlebell (KB) Swings
12 Pull-Ups
Coach’s notes: Guys use 1.5 pood (or 55 lb dumbbell) for KB swings and gals use 1 pood (or 35 lbs). See how you compare to OPT’s 6:59. Post time to complete to comments.
Rest Day..Sore back.
Might to this as am AM workout on Monday…Looks fun!
WOD in class this am
11:46 as rx’d
Happy that time is down from previous time of 14:19, but need to work on those 400m runs!!!
hey, great job Michelle!
As Rx’d
Previous (Dec 31) was 10:34
Today 9:06 as Rx’d, everthing unbroken.
My 7 year old boy keeping time and counting reps was very motivational.
As Rx’d, all unbroken 10:22. Next time will be faster!
13:22 with 1 pood; green kipping
post CF run; 17km – 1:50
Congrats to all the CF Kids!!
WOD in class
Modifications include slight purple resistance tubing for pullups, used 20kg KB (44lbs)
oh…and i managed to get the workout wrong for 2/3 of it…did 21 pullups first round, 19 pullups second round and Brett corrected me 🙂 so did 12 pullups third round. ha!
time 18:14
And LOTS of practice on my pullups! 🙂
As Rx’ed:
G: 9:34
K: 10:35 Need to work on consecutive pull-ups to get this time down.
14:29 / green band for pull-ups / 37# kb
jp at Y as Rx’d: 11:03.
Able to go straight through on DB swings but not the pullups! Running is always tough after the first round!
40# dumbell, largest available.
Oops! Either color-blind or old age brain — blue band….
11:36 as Rx’d. New PR but a little slow on the pull ups today for some reason. Under 10 min next time.
11:28 in class as rx’d…
First time doing Helen….My first round was awesome everything seemed to be going well…round two was okay…by round 3 I was screwed…could barely run let alone do kettle bell swings and my pull-ups had to broken in 2’s….I know I could have reached a sub 10 min…just was not mentally prepared this time…however for my first time I am extremely pleased…great job to everyone in this mornings class….Grant if you can run a little faster you definitely will be sub 9 min…awesome job…
Heavily assisted pullups!
37 lb kettlebell for round 1
21 lb kettlebell for the other 2… couldn’t get my hands on an in between one. But hey, I did it!