Sunday, May 3, 2009
300 Walking Lunges for time
Coach’s notes: Post time to complete to comments.
Important Reminder – Due to the CrossFit Games Regional Qualifier there will be no classes running today (Sunday May 3). Feel free to come cheer on fellow CrossFitters!
A big thanks to all the CFC crew who volunteered. I am very appreciative of the effort that was put forth by all.
The Qualifier was the best run/organized event that I have ever had the pleasure of being involved with. CFC/OPT and all the people in the back ground deserve some great accolades.
Congrats to all the athletes as well. We (CFC/OPT) will be amazingly represented at the CF Games in Cali.
If you can go just to watch/cheer, I highly advise doing it.
Congrats to everyone that participated in the qualifier! Nice work by all!
K, I’m not allowed to complain about torn calluses ever again.
D 12:54