Sunday, May 20, 2018

TT WOD – Competitive
A. Individual Regional Event 4 2018
For time complete:
2 rounds of:
10 Snatch – 175#/125#
12 Burpees
Then, 2 rounds of:
10 Snatch – 115#/75#
12 Burpees
B. With time remaining work on handstand walks. If possible use courses, obstacles, etc.
1 round for time of:
Run 1 mile
27 Bench press – 135#/95#
Run 800m
21 Bench Press
Run 400m
15 Bench Press
Run 200m
9 Bench Press
Ended doing the normal WOD in the 8am class.
23:57 @ 115#
Thanks Kimmer!
Rounds of 27 and 21 felt pretty good then I swore someone added 20# to the bar. Definitely picked the right weight.
Thanks for partnering Sue.
Thanks Josh.
23:15 at 65#
Good work 9:30!
Thanks Josh
Down to singles on the bench press for the last round.
26:15 @ 65#
I shared a bench with Jeff so I started the workout 90sec later.
Thanks Josh.
55# bench press
Awesome job 9:30! Thanks Josh, awesome warm up!
17:36 Rx’d.
Thanks Josh!
A. Snatch skill work x 30 minutes
B. 22:52 as rx’d
Bench sets were in sets of 3’s