Sunday, May 18, 2008
For time:
50 Walking lunge steps
25 Pull-ups
50 Box jumps, 20 inch box
25 Ring dips
50 Double unders
25 Knees to elbows
50 Sit-ups
25 Hang squat cleans, 35 lb dumbbells
50 Back extensions
25 Wall ball shots, 20 lb ball
Coach’s notes: Post time to complete to comments.
On Monday, May 19, OPT will be hosting its Spring Fitness Challenge. The events will start at 2:00 pm so, show up prepared to do anything! Cost is $25. Contact Leighanne at for more details. You’ll be sure to have a good workout and challenge yourself in a supportive environment!
A beautiful day for another Sunday Outdoor training session.
Part 1 – Bike ride on city pathways from Mission to Inglewood via Stampede park and the Calgary Zoo. Finished with tabata bike sprints
rest approx 10 minutes
Part 2 – Alternating 1 minute each of rope jumping and slam ball for 20 minutes
5.5kg ball slammed into grass total reps (319) Unfortunately skipping was done on a brick pad by park bench so feet got quite a bit tired faster.
Great day for a jam packed workout.
WOD in class with sub OHS for lunged.
Time: 26:42.
Felt good after doinf this one!
Also forgot to spell check doinf! Should be doing.
…Modified Ring Dips with Dip and pushups.
Anyone else having problems with this particular web pgae today? It’s all black where it’s normally white in my Firefox Browser.
Second WOD after a quick trip to Canmore in my new wheels.
Did Saturday’s workout of rounds for time of Double Unders, Jumping Pullup and Push Press.
Pretty beat from the morning session and after a few wardrobe malfunctions I managed to finish in 22:13.
(Gym shorts fell down as I was doing Jumps..I was wearing coreshorts saving grace!)
Short on equipment again….did Friday’s WOD
5 rounds of 400m run + 30 push-ups. 12:10. Run distance was approximate.
Followed by 1 round of tabata squats. Total of 156 reps.
blue elastic for kipping
negative ring dips
knee pushups
it was fun
followed with 1:56 for 18km
G: 17minutes: xx seconds
K:26 minutes: xx seconds (as Rx’d except 25# HSC)
Hopefully Brett, Shane, Steve or Derrick will remeber the exact times. We forgot to write them down. What happened to you 11AM people?
I love these kind of WODs and i was really looking forward to this one. The idea of the ring dips didn’t even bother me too much because I’ve been working on them and getting sets of 5, BUT not today…I got to the ring dips and spent the next 20-25 minute just completing those!!! Then I got discouraged and had a hard time trying to salvage the workout. I have never felt more like quitting…but I finished. Thanks Brett.
The upside is that I was at OPT long enough to watch some of the CF Kids WOD. Great effort kids!!!
subbed ring dips for standard.
What’s the sub ratio when you have no rings?
Rowed for 50 calories instead of double unders due to my ankle…Mack I am not sure what the ratio is for when you have no rings but I know from doing this workout ring dips are sooooo much harder than regular dips…in fact they suck…..