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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Sunday, May 10, 2009

In 15 minutes complete:

125 KB Swings

AMRAP Double Unders

Coach’s notes:  Post time to complete KB swings and number of double unders.  Guys use 1.5 pood and gals 1.0 pood for swings.

Comments: 21

Is that really 125 KB Swings?
I am guessing either 12, or 25.

Sifton, you must remember that Brett is out of his mind. That is definitely 125 reps.

i agree with DJ… we have done workouts in this format before… usually it works out that the first half of the time alotted is spent getting the distance/rep work done and you end up having approx the second half to get as many reps as possible (AMRAP). so 125 sounds about right. too bad tmrw is a rest day for me, i could use the KB swing practice.

oh my bad, Read it wrong, thought it was for rounds.
Ignore previous post

Blaine: 185 DU’s
Rebecca: So many she lost count! 😉

Mother’s Day Run
5K – 25:28

John: Rx weight, 36 dbl unders.
Raman: great workout after a months break. 1.25 poons 17 dbl unders
Happy Mothers Day to all Moms..

Accidentally did 150 KBS! 1 pood: 410 Du

Finally .. “As Rx’ed”
KB swings took ~ 7 min, DU 118

Swings: 4:05
D/U’s 330

KB swings ~ 6 min (65/15/15/15/15)
350 DUs

My forearms were feeling really tired after the first couples sets of double unders. So I settled into a rhythm of 10 DUs, 5 seconds rest for most of the workout.

Brittany – 547 DU’s as rx’d

Happy Mothers DAY TO ALL!


KB’s: 5:02
DU’s: 337

KB swing 9:30
235 Dus

KB:75/25/25 4:55
394 DU’s

KBS ~5:30
294 skips

Did the crossfit.com from yesterday in a tredmil at the Hotel in Montreal
800m four times for time.
1. 3:40 (trying to understand my pace on the tredmil)
2. 3:20 (sped up a bit)
3. 3:05 (almost puked!)
4. 3:06 (big effort, slept three hours after it)

sub’d 35# db swings for kbs, ~6 min
157 du’s

Swings took about 5:30
202 du’s

D Kb approx. 6:30 1.5
DU 103 (all single w single skip in between)

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