Sunday, March 30, 2008
1 round for time:
100 unders
90 back extensions
80 squats
70 sit-ups
60 lunges
50 push-ups
40 box jumps
30 wallballs
20 burpies
10 pull-ups
Coach’s notes: Use 24″ for box jumps. If you are unsure of an exercise check the link, “Exercise Demos”. Post time to comments.
Compare to Saturday, October 13, 2007.
100 unders, is that double unders??
nope just single skips
deejay, that should make you happy.
oh and great job admin for adding the compare to link.
Thank you admin for adding the link. Great stuff!
12# for wallball (still looks like I am going for a 3-pointer at the finish of my throw – but think I will continue to work with this weight until I get consistent before the 14#))
Pull-ups – used green band so did 20 (not because I can’t count, because Brett told me!)
I did this one in Oct. @ home – so had a few modications – but had in my mind it was quicker than this. Now that the blood has returned to my brain, realized this was a better time – complete with pull-ups!
I feel good!!
As rx’d:
G: 18:37
K: 21:23 [had to use the sissy GHD]
Hard workout. it was hard to keep count for some the exercises. With the walking lounges and box jumps especially. So perhaps next time I should have a judge to monitor my reps! But for today I am sticking to my time 🙂 Everyone in class today worked really hard…
oops, 22:44 not 20:44
DJ- 24:06 subbed 16 kg KB swings for back extentions.
Brittany – 25:13 as Rx’d
As Rx’d except:
-Back extensions on a ball
-Box jump @ 20″
-25 lb Wallball at 9′-6″
18:42….including 30sec run from basement to garage to do wallball.
Quite enjoyed this workout. Almost felt like a true crossfitter.
As Rx’d
pushups – military until 16th, then knees down
pullups – used purple band assisted
box jumps as rx’d…haven’t jumped to that height since last summer before the black boxes were introduced. The good thing is that back then, I was jumping up and stepping down but now I’m jumping up and down…but with more breaks 🙂
time: 26:29
Alvaro: 22:40
I didn’t see much of Alvaro’s workout so I can’t say what, if any, modifications were made.
oops – screwed up on the other modification ….only 20″ box jumps (still too many memories and scars from the 24″)…..but just give me a couple more months….
(aah, now the mystery is solved as to why my time seemed a little too good!)
Good work today everyone. The standard has been set. One of our youngest crossfit athletes, Madison, posted a sub 12:00 minute time, with a few mods but an excellent time none the less! This is now known as “Madi”.
pushups all from the knees
green band for pull ups
18″ box.
11lb ball for the first 20 and 6.6lb for the last ten wallballs.
36:does it really matter how many seconds it was? Can’t wait to see what I can do in a year!
As rx’d – 20:13. That was a great workout!!! Everyone was working so hard…
And…congratulations to Madison! Well Done!!!
Those box jumps were tough…
Branden – 29:55
Alec – 29:15
Used a 15# Wall ball
Great job Madi! WOW!
And everyone else! Some great scores posted.
As rx’d – 20:11… I like this one.
As Rx’d other than back xtensions on a ball.
23:30 Wicked work out!!!
I did a modified version of this on March 28.
100 DU, 90 squats, 80 DB swings 20lb, 70 box jump, 60 vertical jumps, 50 situps, 40 push ups, 30 pull downs, 20 burpees 10 db thrusters 20lb. Very challenging. My time was 27:30.
Super time for Maddison!
Madi-11:36 7lb ball