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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!


5 rounds for time:

400m run

15 overhead squats


Coach’s notes:  Guys use 95lbs and gals use 60lbs or scale if needed.  Post time to complete to comments. 

Comments: 14

Can we have a “fill in the blanks” contest for this picture?

My attempt: “How NOT to save yourself if you trip doing box jumps!!”

Hey!….. Who took my shoes?

400m run, OHS 45#, 17:29
Run felt tougher than usual. GREAT to be outside!

Oh yeah — odlbutnotdead ….that ws funny!

Great to be running outside again…..

As RX’d

19:59 plus 2-3mins since Brett stopped the stop watch by accident

5 rounds: 400m run, 15 overhead squats using 65lb weight

Thank you for the encouragement Leighanne, Geoff and Brett 🙂
AWESOME to be outside running again!

See, Brett just can’t be trusted with the watch.

Nice work Paige!!

First time “Nancy” with Rx’d weight!! 19:13 with 400m runs. Lost the weight forward a few times as I got tired & had to power snatch it back overhead….after a bit of a rest.

First time Nancy; Time:17:49
last few reps of OHS, a bit shaky in the ol’ ball and socket…
Could’ve pushed harder for the 400 sprints, but the easter bunny woke us up early!

G: as Rx’d 19:07 plus + 2 or 3 minutes for watch malfunction
K: 65lbs (true Nancy) 17:27 +2 or 3 minutes for watch malfunction
Thanks Brett for all the input!

I really would have like to do this one. Missed class today to go snowboarding though. Oh well….

5 rounds 400m run, 15 OHS 32lbs

My running could use some work 😛

As Rx’d
17:00 flat
Runs on treadmill

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