Sunday, March 2, 2008
3 rounds for time:
7 – Muscle-Ups
14 – Barbell Thruster
21 – Power Snatch
Coach’s notes: Guys use 85 lb and gals use 45lb. If you cannot do muscle-up, the substitution is 3 dips and 3 pull-ups/muscle up. In other words, do 21 dips and 21 pull-ups/round in place of the 7 muscle-ups. Post time to complete to comments. This one should be fun, enjoy!
Lost kipp timing on the rings after the first round, subbed Bar Muscle ups for the last 2 rounds
Added 1 more exercises at the end called the sprawl where you lay on the ground and don’t move. Did that no problem!
Had to do the substitution as the Y has no rings. I did 7 dips and 7 pull ups x 3 and used the recommended 85lbs. Completion time of 24:50.
Did this WOD in class this morning with some changes
7 ring dips (so hard! not sure I came low enough to the ring every time)
7 kipping chin ups
14 barbell thrusters (55lb)
21 power snatch (55lb)
3 rounds of above – 30:09
Subbed 21 pull-ups and 21 push-ups/7 muscle up
Subbed 75lb instead of 85lb thrusters and power snatches
(BW 157lb)
This was the heaviest I’ve snatched after learning it 3 weeks ago. Felt good.
Cool down: Walk up the steps from the basement with blurred vision….
BIG THANK YOU to Colleen, otherwise I would still be trying to get a ring dip.
7 ring dips / no pull-ups (‘cuz Brett said I didn’t have to! probably worried he would still be there too waiting for me to finish!)
14 barbell thrusters (#55)
21 power snatch (#55)
3 rounds – 13:07
subbed assisted pullups since the squat racks at the university are not ancored so kips just shake the whole thing and it become dangerous. Also subbed snatches for overhead squats(bars at university are no good).
3 rounds:
21 assisted pullups
21 dips
14 thrusters (85lbs)
21 overhead squats(85lbs)
20:36- it just isn’t the same doing these workouts in a normal gym
25:xx (don’t remember the seconds)
substituted 10 jumping muscle/dips on the rings instead of 7 m-u
27:xx (don’t remember the seconds)
as Rx’d
Thanks Brett, great class today