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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Hang Clean 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

Coach’s notes:  Post load for each set to comments.

The POSE running classes will be dealyed to start July 5.  The class start time has also been changed to 4:00 pm.  Click here for more info and to register.

CFC will be hosting a number of certifications and seminars this summer/fall.  Click here to check them out.


Comments: 16

made a very sloppy 185. Have more weight in the tank but technique is really holding me up right now. Thanks for the help Brett and Rob. Cory I will get to the 6pm a little early tomorrow and see if I can get you that row I owe everyone.

Mo: 75,80,90,95(f)

Darren: 135,155,175,185,195(f),195(f),195(f)

100 105 105 110 115 (fail) 115 120 (PR)


PS. Chantal, you are very convincing! I’ll be signing up for POSE now! 🙂


Taylor, doing a 1k row before class seems like a really bad idea if you are planning on giving it a real attempt. It probably took me at least 20 minutes after the row before my heart rate was back to normal. If you have to double it up with another workout, wait for a day when you still feel good after that day’s workout and go for it then.

Bwt – 180

205 x 1
215 – fail

Was power cleaning the weight then squatting….need to work on getting under the bar…had more in the tank but class time ran out…was trying to catch Garret (275 x 1 I think)…but have a ways to go…

Cool-will see you there Amy!!

75, 85, 95, 105, 110, 115, 120, 125, 130(F)

65,75,95,105,115,125 (PB),135 (Failed),135 (Failed) 135(Failed),

80X2, 85X2, 90, 95, 97.5, 100, 102.5(f), 102.5(f)

Worked my way up to 125..could have gone for a few more but ran out of time.

105 x 2…then got scared of the weight today…so did 5 ugly sets of 5 @ 95#.

Started to struggle with coming up out of the squat (without leaning forward) at 77.5 lbs so decreased the weight and practiced technique.

115, 125, 135, 145, 145(f), 145(f), 145(f), 145, 155(f)
145 went up really easy the first time so thought I’d try it again before going up, but form went and things got ugly.

Modified – 35# DB. Didn’t have the umph. Think I used to have inner aggression, but now that I am such a calm person, my workouts have suffered! Guess I need to get *$(#% again! Just kidding….

Worked up to 145#

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