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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Sunday, June 21, 2009

5 rounds for times:
20 Wallballs
20 Burpees
400 Run
Coach’s notes: Guys use 20 lbs and gals use 14 lbs for wallballs.

Comments: 17

Blaine: 25:18
Rebecca: 26:xx – ‘Fuzzy Eyes’ could see the clock…watch out for this WOD ;).


Scaled to 14# wallballs.


31:33 – 10 lb ball

as rx’d 25:13…….

**Please note I beat my brother by 5 WHOLE seconds. ;)*

16# ball

I think it was 26:44 as rx’d. It felt more like a grueling burpee workout with a little bit of rest between the burpee sets.

33:02 with 10lbs wallball.

This workout was VERY challenging. I suck at all three of those exercises. It was a good one for me to do but man was it ever hard. Thanks to Stacey and”the Hulk” that third round was the hardest, without your push I don’t think I would have been able to finish.

34:09 with 8# wallball
UGLY, UGLY, and more UGLY!
Did not enjoy this workout and was very happy for it to be over!

R: 24:47 with 14# WB
A. 29:30 with 8# WB
It was a tough one.

As RX.

29:16 ….really disappointing.

Well next time!

28:05 – yikes!
first 2 rounds 12 lb WB – dropped to 8 lb
Glad I’m done.

Thanks Gord!

As RX. 22:02

sweet photo!
sounds like an ugly workout
congrats everyone.

ML – 6 lb ball – 27.51
D – 14 lb ball – 28.15

From my front yard.

45# thrusters subbed for Wall ball. Faster reps and less coordination needed, but harder on the legs.


I don’t know if I can say as rx’d as I decided to try the burpees that were allowed at the qualifier. knees on the floor first. It made a huge difference for me. It would be nice to hear from the coaches on the validity of those????

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