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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Sunday, June 20, 2010

5 rounds for time:

5 Power Clean

10 Burpees

200 m Run

Coach’s notes:  WOD #3 from Sectionals.  Guys use 155 lbs and gals 105 lbs for power cleans.  Post time to complete to comments.

Compare to March 29, 2010

Comments: 6

125 lbs
Cleans did not fade as usual – kept a steady pace
Last time was 12:23 with 110 lbs

Good shot of Stacey doing her last couple ring dips at a 1090 tempo

10:48 as Rx’d

PS – this was brutal after Friday’s deadlifts.

Thanks Gord for pushing the last couple of rounds!!


11:14 as rx’d
30 sec slower than sectionals (going to blame it on the uphill slope on the run at OPT 🙂

15:10 as rx’d. thanks Michelle for the push. All cleans were split and yes! I ran with lifting shoes no problem!

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