Sunday, June 17, 2018
TT WOD – Competitive:
As Many Rounds As Possible (AMRAP) in 60 minutes of:
17 Power Cleans – 135#/95#
75 Air Squats
Notes: At the end of each round, unload the bar and carry it 200m away, retrieve one plate and bring it to the bar, then retrieve the second plate and bring it to the barbell, reload the barbell for the next round.
3 rounds for time of:
Run 400m
12 Squat Snatch – 135#/95#
15 Burpees
Competitive wod
4 rounds!
This was “fun”. Great job 8 am’s you guys did great!
Regular WOD, used 135# and did burpees over the bar (since it was right there…). 16:48.
Thanks Josh!
Competitive WOD.
4 rounds in 61:42. Was nearly done 4 full rounds at the 60 min time cap and wanted to finish the round so went just a bit over.
That one was awesome! So fun. The plate carries were deadly.
Thanks Kimmer!