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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Sunday, June 14, 2009

5 rounds for time:

Row 400 m

Rest 1:00

75 Jumping Pull Ups

Rest 1:00

30 Wallballs

Rest 1:00

Coach’s notes:  Guys use 20 lbs for wallballs and gals use 14 lbs.  Post time to complete to comments. 

CrossFit Teens at CrossFit Calgary HQ starts today at 1:00 pm.  This is an introductory and scalable strength and conditioning program for 12+ to 17 year old, enhancing general fitness and focuses on improving; strength, power, speed, agility, balance, stamina, flexibility, accuracy, endurance and coordination.  The group setting enables teens to train with peers in a supportive environment where every participant experiences success, learns fundamentals, including safety in the gym and eventual progression to the adult CrossFit classes.  Membership is $85/month or$20 for a drop-in.

Comments: 12

As rx’d 38:37. Yes Cory I was cutting the rest to try to get you. I think it is fair as it was at my expense 🙂 and I made you a better athlete today. I know you got scared to see me so close behind. Next time.

18# Wallball

35:02 including the rest. Rowing damper at 9 all 5 rounds.

37:55 as rx’d.

My jumping pullups were pretty terrible again today. But yes Alvaro, I did start pushing them harder when I saw you banging out sets of 50.

Tough workout. Cool atmosphere at CF calgary today, Lots of encouragement and hard work!

dnf. 40:45 completed 3 full rounds and a 4th rowing. Been away from CF for 1 month. Haven’t been feeling well. I picked a very tough workout to start back.

Modified for home:
Run approx 500m instead of row 400
JPU as Rx’d
50lb thrusters intead of wallballs
Found it long and hard.

Modified: 15# DB thrusters for wallballs,
43:28 total time (incl rest time mostly ‘cuz I really needed the rest)
Tough but good.

I am not sure of my time __:23 , I think 40:23 , for sure I remember the seconds. Oh well.
I only rested about 40 seconds between my last round of the last two things. as Rx.

Didn’t enjoy this at all. DNF
Completed four rounds in 50:11. Jumping pull ups absolutely kill me.
Rower set at 6, used 14# ball.

44:52 including rest
17.6# ball
wall balls consumed most of the time

39:55 including rest
20# ball
This was horrible…

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