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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Sunday, July 19, 2009

As many rounds in 20 minutes of:

12 Thruster


24 Double Unders

Coach’s notes:  Guys use 65 lbs and gals use 45 lbs for the thrusters and SDLHP.  Post number of rounds completed to comments.

Comments: 18

Who knew my Wallballs involved such serious air time! Funny the things you learn when people are taking pictures of you when you don’t realize it!!!!! 🙂

A few of us are planning on going out for dim sum after the 10am class. If anyone is interested in joining us, let me know!

as rx’d 8 rds+ 10 thrusters
Thanks Trevor for the class

8 rounds + 12 thrusters
Awesome class, Thanks Trevor!

as rx’d 7 rounds
Thanks Trevor – that was a good one!

9 rds as rx’d…Great job with coaching today Trevor…really enjoyed today’s class!!!!

As rx’d – more weight than I needed for thrusters
4 rds +12+12+13

5 rounds + 12 thruster + 12 SDLHP
38.5 lbs
still working on my DU. I did 80 single skips for one round as I was very frustrated. My goal is to get those #@$*# DU by fall.

First WOD involving weights done as rx’d!!! Woohoo!!!!
5 rounds + 4 thrusters
Thanks Carmen and Trevor for encouraging me to do the workout with prescribed weights.

Rick – 7 rounds as rx’d – I think the last couple DU’s came after the bell…:-)

Adelle – 7 rounds plus Thrusters plus SDLHP’s plus 13 Du’s

A great day to do the WOD outside (maybe that’s why I missed the bell?) – great class.

8 rounds as rx’d.

I feel I may have limited myself a bit by setting the goal of beating 7 rounds before the workout.

4 rounds plus 12 Thrusters , 11 SDLHP

Weights modified to 50Ibs and DU based on fails.

Hey CFC’rs, I left/lost a grey T-shirt at Saturday’s class. It has “JM” on the front and “athlete” on the back. Let me know if you’ve seen or have it. Thanks a bunch.


Blaine: 7 rounds
Rebecca 7 rounds + 12 thrusters

Was not feeling it today at all!

Sorry for psyching you out on that one Cory – I should have told you 14 rounds 😉

9 rounds plus one thruster! Just squeezed in that last one

As rx’d 6 rounds +12 thrusters +12 SDHP + 4 DU
I needed 15 more seconds to get to the 7 rounds

As Rx’d 7 rounds + 4 thrusters.
Found it very difficult, strugged from the get go.
WOD done at the end of 18 hours fast, this might be the reason.

Did Sundays WOD: 20 min 12 Thrusters/12 DLHP/24 DU
10rds + 12 Thrusters as rx’d

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