Sunday, July 19, 2009
As many rounds in 20 minutes of:
12 Thruster
24 Double Unders
Coach’s notes: Guys use 65 lbs and gals use 45 lbs for the thrusters and SDLHP. Post number of rounds completed to comments.
As many rounds in 20 minutes of:
12 Thruster
24 Double Unders
Coach’s notes: Guys use 65 lbs and gals use 45 lbs for the thrusters and SDLHP. Post number of rounds completed to comments.
Who knew my Wallballs involved such serious air time! Funny the things you learn when people are taking pictures of you when you don’t realize it!!!!! 🙂
A few of us are planning on going out for dim sum after the 10am class. If anyone is interested in joining us, let me know!
as rx’d 8 rds+ 10 thrusters
Thanks Trevor for the class
8 rounds + 12 thrusters
Awesome class, Thanks Trevor!
as rx’d 7 rounds
Thanks Trevor – that was a good one!
9 rds as rx’d…Great job with coaching today Trevor…really enjoyed today’s class!!!!
As rx’d – more weight than I needed for thrusters
4 rds +12+12+13
5 rounds + 12 thruster + 12 SDLHP
38.5 lbs
still working on my DU. I did 80 single skips for one round as I was very frustrated. My goal is to get those #@$*# DU by fall.
First WOD involving weights done as rx’d!!! Woohoo!!!!
5 rounds + 4 thrusters
Thanks Carmen and Trevor for encouraging me to do the workout with prescribed weights.
Rick – 7 rounds as rx’d – I think the last couple DU’s came after the bell…:-)
Adelle – 7 rounds plus Thrusters plus SDLHP’s plus 13 Du’s
A great day to do the WOD outside (maybe that’s why I missed the bell?) – great class.
8 rounds as rx’d.
I feel I may have limited myself a bit by setting the goal of beating 7 rounds before the workout.
4 rounds plus 12 Thrusters , 11 SDLHP
Weights modified to 50Ibs and DU based on fails.
Hey CFC’rs, I left/lost a grey T-shirt at Saturday’s class. It has “JM” on the front and “athlete” on the back. Let me know if you’ve seen or have it. Thanks a bunch.
Blaine: 7 rounds
Rebecca 7 rounds + 12 thrusters
Was not feeling it today at all!
Sorry for psyching you out on that one Cory – I should have told you 14 rounds 😉
9 rounds plus one thruster! Just squeezed in that last one
As rx’d 6 rounds +12 thrusters +12 SDHP + 4 DU
I needed 15 more seconds to get to the 7 rounds
As Rx’d 7 rounds + 4 thrusters.
Found it very difficult, strugged from the get go.
WOD done at the end of 18 hours fast, this might be the reason.
Did Sundays WOD: 20 min 12 Thrusters/12 DLHP/24 DU
10rds + 12 Thrusters as rx’d