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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Geoff in Deadlift

7 rounds for time:

20 Shoulder Press

20 Sit-up

Coach’s notes:  Guys use 75 lbs for shoulder press and gals use 45 lbs.  Post time to comments. 

Comments: 9

Awesome picture and I dig my man Geoff but oddly enough Deliverance was the first thought that popped into my head. You did a terrific job and I can’t wait to see more photos come up.
I recall doing this with GHD sit ups and it’s a tough workout strength wise.

“Squeel like a pig??”

Yeah, it’s unfortunate I look like I’m in that much pain and I’m only warming up. The only reason I know this is that I only had on my super-sexy headband on my head for the workout. You can see it poking out from under my chaulk and sweat-soaked cap…

(Oh and I’m pretty sure I’m lowering the weight here; don’t try to lift 275lbs like that, kids…)

As Rx’d

As Rx’d


Great work Mack…you have some strong shoulders!

Rx’d for the gals; 19:42
gotta remember; less talk; more work.

as rx’d
27 something…I forgot to check the seconds…

Started with 75 lbs. for first three sets. Switched to 65 lbs. for rest. Still had to do 6 or 7 at a go.

16:08 as Rx’d

as rx’d


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