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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Sunday, January 3, 2010


21, 15, 9 rep rounds for time of:


 Ring Dips


Coach’s notes: Guys use 135 lbs and gals 95 lbs for cleans. The catch must be full squat for all. Post time to complete to comments.

Compare to May 29, 2009.


Comments: 13

As rx’d for ladies, 95#’s
Dropped every clean

Started at 95 lbs. – did 7 cleans then couldn’t do squat – switched to 85 lbs.

as rx’d 22:54

75# cleans
blue band assisted dips

Started with 77lbs and scaled to 72lbs after first few reps. Used purple band for ring dips. Currently in physio for neck and shoulder. When I feel some progress in my treatment I’d like to eventually do ring dips unassisted.

13:17 as rx’d.

This was a PR by 5:09 since May, and I think most of the improvement came from the ring dips. In May a lot of the ring dips were singles and still very difficult. Today they were mostly kipped and they felt pretty strong.

I’m still focusing on technique for the cleans. At first they felt pretty strong, but by the end I was practically coming to a stop at the end of the first pull and doing a hang clean.

20:05 as rx’d. Was happy to do this one as rx’d, but ring dips were horrible and extremely slow. Congrats Cory that is awesome. Great job Rebecca, Blaine and Krista, you guys killed it. Thanks Brett.

14:50 as Rx’d
First time doing Elizabeth, hadn’t done any cleans for the last 3 weeks of Christmas Break, and I was gassing on those.

good job Cory!

20:28 – used 85lbs for the clean because I still need to work on my technique. I did my first 10 ring dips unassisted (yay) but then failed the next two so went to the purple band. For the second round of dips I did one unassisted and then attempted another one and failed so kept the rest with the purple band. I hope next time I can try the whole thing as rx’d. Thanks for the good class Brett.

Way to go Chesea for doing the whole thing as rx’d and yes Cory your time is impressive. WOW.

14:06 – 85 lbs for cleans – happy with weight used – will try as rx’d next time
ring dips as rx’d. Thanks Brett – this one is deceiving – much tougher than it looks!
Rebecca, Chelsea – nice work!!!! Blaine – awesome and Cory – you seriously kicked “Elizabeth”

Blaine: 14:48 as Rx’d
Rebecca: 17:48 as Rx’d
I have never done this many squat cleans – and it showed…better quit hiding from these 😉

Wicked awesome Cory!

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