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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Sunday, February 28, 2010

1 round for time:

Row 250 m

30 Jumping Pull Ups

Row 250 m

30 Jumping Pull Ups

Row 250 m

Coach’s notes:  Post time to complete to comments.

Comments: 15

Just as a side note, my pants fell off during the first round of jumping pull ups. Thank god I was at home!!! Have fun!!!!


3:52… sick wod. head to head with mark k- got me by 3 secs… he did an amazing job on jumping pull-ups and the last row

Rx’d @ 4:49
Thank God it is rest day!

@ Rebecca. Does your time include rest time for pulling your pants up? LOL!

This was a nasty one.

Rick 4:34
Adelle 5:24
This was one of those ones that seems really easy and short. It was short, but it was a really intense short.
Thanks Brett.

I finished the WOD with my pants on!! Just a little cold in our garage gym to finish in my underwear.heehee

oh nice OHS brett! great pic amy/nicole

Amy, it was great seeing you yesterday and you did a great job in the competition. As promised here is my email address, please pass on the info, THANKS jkphyper@hotmail.com.

TT Strength Class –
Clean Pulls – 45/65/75/85/95
OHS – 45 /…. finished with 11# bar
Dips – blue band for 1 rnd, muscles are not functioning after yesterday so had to call it. Time for some rest!!!

Will you be posting the results from CFC2?
I did not remember to take note of the scores or times.

5:43 Yuck and Yuck. I can’t believe how long it took me to recover.

caper- CFC2 results have been up on main page since last nite! pic gallery was put up today!

The pull up bar was to far from rowing machine at YMCA so I did 25 push-ups instead.
Total- 3:36

All time went to JPU’s.

rows felt slow!

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