Sunday, February 27, 2011
A. Box Back Squat – 3 reps x 6 sets @ 31X1, rest 2 minutes
B. Box Jumps – 15 reps (unbroken) x 6 sets, rest 60 seconds
Coach’s notes: In box squat set height to a position clearly but not excessively below parallel. Post loads for all sets in A to comments. For B choose height based on ability to maintain accuracy and speed for all 6 sets.
I decided to do my own workout instead of this one…box jumps scare me.
5000m row: 23:34
19 rounds of “Paige”. Now stairs scare me.
75,95,115,165,175,185 (x 3)
Box Jumps were not as consistent. Chelsea , thanks for the tip on the landing.
Leaning forward quite a bit but weight is not on my toes.
Box jumps – first two sets were to lowest box, rest were to 20″
A. 135/155/195/225/235/245
Start heavier next time, there was more in the tank if I hadn’t wasted time being timid.
B. Be sure to open hips on downward phase but do it without providing upward lift; more efficient and faster pace as a result. Also, be sure not to push myself backward on downward phase as fatigue becomes a factor.
A. 245/275/295/305/315/325
A. 135/155/185 (f)/175/185/195
A: 115/135/155/175/185/195×2 PR!!
In November my arm was 185.
B: completed on medium sized box- definately need to practice this more.
Thanks Brett!!
225/255/275/285/295/305×2 dumped the 3rd
Box jumps on 20″. Felt easy, probably shouldve done 24″, especially when Brett made them look so easy. Thanks Brett, fun class!
A. disaster – my back not quite ready to take on heavy lifting yet 🙁 – only got to 145!
B. 18″ box- fun! need to concentrate on completely opening hips when I’m fatigued
and a little muscle up practice 🙂
Thanks Brett! Sunday mornings always fun!!
Nice work Katie!!!
Congrats on the PR Katie. Your arm is 185, wow they don’t look that big;) Sorry couldn’t resist the bad joke.
135/155/185/205/225/245 – should have started at 185
B: 18″ box jumps, too easy today. Move to 20″ box next time.
Cool WOD.
OOPS- darn autocorrect- should be 1 RM:)
KATIE, great job!!!!
A. worked up to 185 (failed on 3rd)
B. surprising felt good!! 18″ box *note to self: jump up not out!! makes a big difference!*
TT: Deadlifts: 5@205×5 sets, thrusters: 85,90,95×3 all 5 reps, GHD situps 15×5 sets
Thanks Brett, Thanks Todd & Chantal!!
TT all for 5 reps/set
3 X 165 deadlifts; 4 X 72 thrusters ; 12X5 ghd sit ups
Thanks Todd and Chantal! And, Angela!