Sunday, February 17, 2019
1 round for time of:
100 Double Unders
25 Ring Dips
50 Switch Lunges holding Med Ball – 20#/14#
75 Box Jumps – 24”/20”
100 Double Unders
75 Kettlebell Swings – 1.5/1.0 pood
50 Overhead Squats – 95#/65#
25 Wallballs
100 Double Unders
My foot is flaring up again, so kind of did my own thing today.
– Subbed 1:15 on the bike for DU’s each round.
– Ring dips rx’d
– 50 GHD sit-ups instead of switch lunges
– 75 press @ 75# instead of Box Jumps
– KBS rx’d
– OHS @ 75#
– WH’s rx’d
Thanks Josh!
Scales OHS to 75#
Noticeably slowed down at KBS: 7/7/6/5/5/5…
Thanks Josh.
I love chippers!
28:32 with scaling
– Attempted double unders for first 100. Got quite a few in spite of almost passing out from a major butt whip early in the 2:15 time cap.
– 20 ring pushups from toes + 5 reg pushups from toes
– 12# ball for switch lunges
– 0.7 pd KB
– 150 single unders
– 20” box
– 22# for OH squats (wasn’t pretty and I’m sure there were several “no reps” but my Derek was kind to point out that he’d never seen me OH squat a bar before. Win!!)
– 12# for wall balls. These felt so easy after the squats. Should have used a 14# ball (for switch lunges, too)
– 150 single unders
KBS at 1.25pood
OHS at 65#
Everything else rx’d
Thanks Josh
37:47. Pretty slow, but the double unders were a sticking point today as usual. Think my last set took like 5min. They were actually worse than they have been lately, was hoping they would go a little better. Oh well. Rx’d everything except the overhead squats. Did 10 with a 45# bar, and then 40 more with just a dowel. Elbow was still really bugging me in that position so didn’t want to push it.
Epic warmup today, thanks Josh, and nice work Storbakken! You killed that.