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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Sunday, February 13, 2011

30 reps for time:
Coach’s notes:  Board WOD.  Guys use 135 lbs, gals 95 lbs or scale as appropriate.  Post time to complete to comments. 
Compare to December 5, 2010

Comments: 12

30 reps @77lbs, 6:48
Good job Audra, that was impressive!!!
Thank you Laura!

Form was beyond ugly today, but still happy to do my first Isabel.
7:23 as rx’d. Thanks Laura for the help after the “technical difficulty”.

thought maybe Isabelle and I might be friends….maybe next time!! 20 reps at 85 lbs (felt good), 5 reps at 90 lbs and 5 at 92 lbs…..12:44……next time Isabelle, next time!!
thanks Laura!

75 lbs


We worked on form last Monday but some body parts weren’t working right today. I finished a lot of the snatches by pressing the last several inches.

Next time go heavier to force good form.

4:10 as rx’d

found it easier than Grace due to the single hip bend/re-bend instead of the 2 for the clean and jerk

47# 6:36
Lots of tech work for me, but the movement is feeling better for sure.
Nice work Audra, you are so strong.
Thanks Laura, great class.

13:03 with 120#

8:31 w/125lbs.

Used 135 for first 2 and then dropped. Linda kicked the crap out of me yesterday.

Dropped 4 mins with the 125 I used in Dec, but ended up pressing quite a few.

TT Homework
Bench Press: 5 reps of 65/75/85/90/92.5
Deadlift: 5 reps of 125/135/140/150/155
Push Press: 5 reps of 45/55/60/62.5 (x4)/62.5
Squat: 5 reps of 95/115/125/135/140

Scaled to 100#
Time: 8:02

Targeted Training: 5 reps for 5 sets
Squat 2011: 135 ; Squat 2010: 115
Press 2011:failed on 3 @ 54.5; Press 2010 – 50
Deadlift 2011 175; deadlift 2010 – 145 (loving the differences from 2010!)
Bench press – another day…
Thanks Todd and Chantal! And, Angela for being my workout buddy.

85lbs @ 8:31, could have gone heavier but my form sucks!
Thanks Laura.

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