Sunday, December 21, 2008
7 rounds for time:
25 DB Split Jerk
25 Jumping Pull-ups
Coach’s notes: Guys use 30lb dumbbells for the split jerk and gals use 20lb. For the jumping pull-ups set the bar height so that your wrists are just above the bar. Post time to complete to comments.
Compare to March 12, 2008
as rx’d – 18:22
Blaine – weight as rx’d 27:46 still not sure if that was 6 or 7 rounds though…..
Rebecca – weight as rx’d 21:06 (thanks to Ali for counting)
G; 20:34
K; 19:45
Cool Cat; 19:25
when is the video coming out for Michett?
previous G; 27:37 March 12 ’08
previous K; 33:31 “”””””””””””
as rx’d – 13:36
Thanks Derek, for timing, counting, cheering, and giving feedback. Really, really appreciate that!
I don’t think there is a video, but I think it should be re-named Michett!
14:47 as rx’d
as rx’d – 17:12
As Rx’d