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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Back Squat on the minute.

Coach’s notes: CFC Benchmark WOD for the board.  Guys use 65 lbs, gals use 45 lbs.  Post rounds completed + reps to comments.

Compare to June 23, 2009

Comments: 21

65 lbs. as rx’d
14 +10

27 + 25 as Rx’d

24 + 4 as rx’d.

I went with low-bar squats for the first 19 rounds, then alternated between low and high for the last few rounds. We’ll see how this affects my ability to walk over the next couple days…

18 + 9 as rx’d Happy with this as it was my first time doing it.

Great job everyone in the 10am class. Katie way to go! You are so strong.
Thanks DJ:)

in virginia so couldn’t do paige… mother nature provided the wod… A) shovel 24″ of snow out of driveway… B) build huge snow fort. a few hours, as rx’d.

As Rx and new PR

20 plus 10.

I know I could have done better but last nights Company X’mas Party did not contribute to my overall performance, positively. :&

24 + 18 as rx’d. Have some pretty shaky legs right now. Great job Rebecca, you are amazing. Thanks DJ.

22 + 12.
Holy rubber legs. Fun stuff!

28 + 24 as RX’D it a long ways down to a seat!!
Thanks DJ great class.

Adelle 19 +11 as rx’d (way better than the last time I did this one)
Rick 25 scaled to 45# due to injury.
Great effort by everyone today – that last round – no matter what the number, is always tough. Amazing push Dave!

26+17 rx’d
Nice work everyone!!! Great class DJ!

22+19 as rx’d
Chelsea, Rebecca… wow!! killer squats – you both rock!
Thanks DJ! fun class!!! nice work everyone!!

21+7 as rx’d
It’s gona be fun tomorrow trying to walk down stairs

25+18 as rx’d. Wow I’m very scared of stairs right now! Way to go Rebecca and thanks Anita for counting for me. Thanks DJ! BtW Anita nice job for your first Paige!

19 +18 as rx’d. Great job everyone.

17 + 15 as rx’d.
Weighted squats are just still not my thing; they need lots of work!!!!
Awesome job by everyone today!
Thanks DJ

wow everyone killed this workout! great work

Did yesterdays WOD
“Heavy Fran”
as rx’d and weight off floor

19 and 12 as Rx. Some very inspirational people in class today! Well done.

Did this one on the 21st
27+12 as rx’d

22 + 17 as rx’d
I did this one at home on Dec. 21st. I was fighting a cold on the weekend. I’m staying away from the facility for a few more days so I don’t pass this thing onto anyone. My 2nd WOD was blowing my nose on the minute.

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