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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Alternating Double Tabata

Push Up


Coach’s notes:  Perform as many push ups as you can in 20 seconds, rest 10 seconds, switch and perform as many air squats as you can, rest 10 seconds, then switch back to push ups.  Normally tabata intervals are done for 8 sets.  Today do 12 sets.  Post total reps each for push ups and squats.

Comments: 5

yikes, might just have to give this a try…. sounds interesting. AFT mommy, are you in? tabata… your favorite!

push ups
27/25/24/18/15/14/14/14/14/15/15/16 – 211 total
23/23/22/23/23/23/23/23/23/23/23/23 – 275 total

done 10 minutes after the CrossFit WOD
push ups
22/15/10/13/10/10/9/9/9/9/9/10 – 135
19/18/17/17/17/17/16/15/16/16/16/17 – 201

i did squats 1st & only 8 sets, I guess I should read the wod description
push ups-17,16,16,15,15,15,15,15-124

pre: crossfit main site wod

10 min break

push ups (chest to blue ball, from toes)
14/12/9/8/9/97/8/8/7/7/7 – 104 total
squats (to ball):
17/19/19/18/18/17/18/19/16/17/18/19 – 215 total

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