Sunday, August 9, 2009
3 rounds for time:
400 m Run
21 KB Swings
12 Pull Ups
Coach’s notes: Weight for the kettlebell swings is 1.5 pood for guys and 1.0 pood for gals. Post time to complete to comments.
Comapre to August 24, 2008
Important Reminder – CFC is hosting a Level II certification on Wednesday, August 12 and Thursday, August 13 and a Level I certification on Saturday, August 15 and Sunday, August 16. Therefore a modified class schedule will be in effect during these certification times. On Wednesday there will be no 9:30 am class but the evening classes will run as scheduled and on Thursday the only class cancellation will be the 9:30 am class. On Saturday and Sunday, all classes will be cancelled with the exception of the POSE running class which will run as scheduled. Thank you for your understanding.
A rowing certification has been added to the list of certifications that CFC HQ is hosting. Click here for more detials and to register.
Oh my god. What is that?
9:40 as rx’d
green band assisted PUs
Happy Birthday Brogan! XX your friends, Madeleine and Jack
13:13 as rx’d
8:31 as rx’d
KBS and PUs straight through for all rounds…the runs were terrible from the start…I actually stopped for about 10-15 secs on the last run…just did not have the gas tank to push this WOD today…
9:40 as rx’d everything straight through need to push harder.
Thanks Erin & Evan
10:04 as rx’d.
I wanted sub-10, but the pullups weren’t feeling that strong today. The runs could have been better too. KBS were straight through for all rounds though.
Nice one steve, you didn’t let me down.
Broke up last set of pullups, 8/4.
It’s all about the run…..
13:08 as rx’d
Runs could have been stronger and PUs broken up – but hey – I made it!
Thanks Brett – another good one!
8:07 as rx’d
11:24 as rx’d. Felt good! I have no idea how I will ever improve this one
well done Krista on a rx’d Helen
The Hulk…it’s all about the run! So no more lazy running!!! Then you will see your time drop…:)
4 x 800 m hill sprints with the 4 pm ‘POSE Running Class’
Great class-good work everyone-especially the guys who were tough enoungh to go barefoot! Thanks Todd, Rob and Trevor
D_ 11:58; as Rxd’s; unbroken KB, pull ups were strict, my kipping is as poor as my double unders. Pose running class at 4pm workout as Chantal noted.
9:28 as rx’d. Running could have been better. Still recovering from dislocated toe. Injury long way from the heart though!!
17 Minutes as RX’d
Had about a 100m distance between my track and pullup bars.