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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Sunday, August 8, 2021

7 rounds for time(s) and load(s) of:

200m Dumbell Zercher Carry
10 Hip and Back Extensions
15 Single Arm Overhead Dumbbell Squats
REST 2:00

Coach’s notes:

Post time and load per round and total working time to comments.

WOD Leaderboard

Comments: 2

My times got erased before I could record them, but I know this……….I got progressively slower!!!!!!!
1. 50#
2. 60#
3. 70#
4. 80#
5. 90#
6. Zercher @ 60#, but then tried OHS with 100#. Did 2 reps with each arm, then just finished the next 11 reps with the 60#.
7. No time left, thank God. Scaled to 6 rounds.

1. 20# (7:55)
2. 22.5# (13:39)
3. 22.5# (19:37)
4. 22.5# (25:40)
5. 25# (31:39)
6. 27.5# (37:45)
7. 30# (42:07)

I ended up doing 30# for my last set which was my goal so I’m happy about that! The cardio and zercher carry was the hardest part for sure.

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