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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Sunday, August 3, 2008

CFC Kids

Pull Up – 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

Coach’s notes:  Post load for each set to comments.


Comments: 11

in Vancouver:

100 push ups
100 sit ups
100 squats
50 push presses (70lbs using 35 lbs dumb bells)
50 push up burpees


tough to do this by myself in a soccer field at 8:30 this morning…

As Rx’d
Max load with chin over bar was 40lbs.
Did 45lbs but did not get high enough on all reps

Post WOD; Christine
500m row, 12 bwt deadlifts (200lbs), 21 box jumps

20 lbs
25 lbs
30 lbs
35 lbs
40 lbs
40 lbs – Failed on 4th rep

0 lbs
0 lbs
5 lbs
7.5 lbs
8 lbs – Failed on 4th rep
7.5 lbs – Failed on 4th rep

Nice handstand Zack…even nicer ring? Eh, Geoff!

Due for a day off and I have inflammation in my elbow (golfer’s elbow), so no weighted pullups for me. Instead played with handstands and forward rolls in the backyard with the kids.

Progress to be able to kick into a handstand, hold if for a few second and get out of it with a forward roll.


tried strict pullups. Did 2.
then did kipping for the workout in class today
tried with the little dumbell between my feet. That proved to be a challenge so I used the magnetized weights and put one inside my shirt and the other stuck to the outside.
Will have to work on being able to kip with my feet crossed, holding a tiny dumbell.

Excellent workout by the CrossFit Kids(and we beat the rain)! Love the picture of Zack-upside down!

Warm up: Tire run with push ups

Review: Press,F/B/OH Squats
Focus: Thrusters
50 squats
40 box jumps
30 sit ups
20 thrusters
10 jumping pullups

Game: CrossFit Hopscotch (even had a parent join us today!!)
kelly: 5:36
Haley: 6:14 (with Excellent squats)

0/0/5lbs/5lbs/5lbs – Shoulder issues make kipping a bad idea so last 2 sets were done strict.

G: 17.5/20/25/30/35/40/45/50/55/60 [3 then failed on 4]
[Not clear on where to start and will know better for next time]
K: 10/12.5/15 failed on 5/ 15 failed on 5/ 15 failed on 5
Post-wod same thing: 17.5 [3]; 20 [3]; 22.5 [2]
Discovered I needed to do a big back swing to get the kip going – next time 15 will be no problem

Congratulations to all DEATH RACE competitors. We were thinking about you this weekend. Hope everyone is exhilirated and safe. Way to go guys!

just did 5 x 6, no weight

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