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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Sunday, April 6, 2008


1 round for time:

5 pull-ups

25 OHS

10 pull-ups

20 OHS

15 pull-ups

15 OHS

20 pull-ups

10 OHS

25 pull-ups


Coach’s notes:  Guys use 95lbs and gals 65 lbs. for overhead squats (OHS).  Post time to complete to comments.

Comments: 13

Sorry to the 9am class as I realized I wrote 5 pull ups, 10 OHS for the first one instead of 5/25 – cheated you out of 15 OHS!

0900 Class WOD
Goal: to finish before the 10:00 class finished (good thing INTENT screwed up so that I could reach this goal!)
Time: 18:29
OHS – 45#
Pull-ups assisted – blue band

p/ups:green band
OHS:22lb.bar (minus 1st set)

WOD as rx’d in class
It was GREAT to push each other like that Kathleen!!!

6:15 as rx’d

96 lbs OHS and kipping chin ups
post-20 sets of 5/5 HSPU and kip practice after

15:48 as Rx’d.
OHS at 95lb + power snatch’ed from ground every time I break a set as I have no rack.

assisted pullups green band

WOD in class at 1pm
used new bands (blue stripe) for assisted pullups
weight for OHS as Rx’d – 65lbs

one day….i’ll do unassisted pullups…one day….

DJ- 14:56 w/ 96 lbs and kipping chin ups
Brittany: 15:41 w/ 65lbs and assisten kipping chin ups

Great work guys and gals!
4:35 as rx’d

4:35?! It took me longer to get my damn foot into the band!

G: 21:19 as Rx’d
K: 15:21 as Rx’d
Thanks Trevor!

as rx’d


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