Sunday, April 4, 2010
Hippety, Hippety, Hop.
A. 3 Rounds for fun:
10 Knee to Chest Jumps
20 Walking Lunges
Broad Jumps Back to Start
Rest 2:00
B. As many rounds in 12 minutes:
5 Jumps Over a Box
10 Burpies
15 Jumping Pull-Ups
Coach’s notes: For knee to chest jumps, stay in place, jump as high as you can and bring the knees up into your chest in the air. Land and as quickly as you can leave the ground again until you reach 10 reps, then immediately go into 20 walking lunges. When you finish your 20 walking lunges, turn and broad jump back to your start position. Notes the number of jumps to get back to the start and post to comments. In part B, set 5 boxes (or obstacles if at home) up in a row, guys 24” and gals 18”. On go, use a two foot jump and go over the entire box and upon landing jump over the second box and so on until you reach the end of the 5th box. Post the number of rounds complete to comments. Rest as needed between A and B. Happy Easter!!
Inspiring Amy, Thx.
holiday schedule today… adult classes at 9am and 10am (no 11am) and members can bring a guest for free.
teens at noon.
no CFC Kids Pre schoolers this afternoon.
TT Oly starts next weekend (no TT this weekend)
Happy Easter to everyone…hey “Old Guy”..I will be back
Happy Easter-an incredible and moving video Amy-thank you for your hard work and for sharing this with us! You are truly an inspiration!
Your Biggest fan
Thanks for sharing that Amy!
Happy Easter to everyone. Looking forward to seeing the Sunday morning crew soon!!
Part B
5 rds + 5 24″ boxes + 2 burpies
doug we miss you!
part B
8 rounds + 12 reps as rx’d
jumps over box were way less intimidating than i thought they would be… i credit part A for prepping my CNS for it. burpees kept coming up again too fast.
super fun WOD… good to see so many people here on a sunday!
Part B:
6 rounds as Rx.
Part B
5 rds + 5 18″ boxes + 5 burpees
6 rounds as Rx’d. Fun wod…felt gassed early on though
Then: 100 GHSU – 6:14. Special kind of pain on that WOD!
Great video Amy- it looks like you made a lot of kids very happy. Happy Easter everyone!