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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Sunday, April 18, 2010

2 rounds for times:

A.  Run 400 m

15 KB Swings

15 Switch Lunges/leg

Rest 2:00

2 rounds for times:

B.  15 Switch Lunges/leg

15 KB swings

Run 400 m

Rest 2:00

Coach’s notes:  Guys use 2.0 pood and gals use 1.5 pood for KB swings.  Post times for all sets to comments.

Comments: 10

1.5 pood

A. 3:08, 4:57
B. 3:37, 4:32
Used 1.25 pood. felt nauseous after my first round, glad it’s over. I have a bad scrape on my left knee which made switch lunges awkward. On an upside note I used my heaviest pood for KB swings and they actually felt decent.

As rx’d
1. 3:21, 3:25
2. 4:01, 4:03

Did this WOD reversed:
B: 3:30, 3:34
A: 3:30, 4:01
Total Time: 20:35
Scaled KB swings to 1.25 pood.

A. 3:17, 3:21
B. 3:31, 3:22
Total Time 19:31 Scaled the KB to 1 pood.

In New York @ the hotel. Not sure if I did it right. Did 15 lunges per leg switching. so 30 lunges every time, and the run in a tredmill at 9 whatever speed until the distance said 0.4 (it was taking me a bit more than 3 min to get there). Used a 50 pound DB for the KB swings.
A: 10:36
B: 10:24

Disaster workout, first 1/4 to 1/3 of the runs in part B were walks up the hill!

A: 2:36, 3:49
B: 4:57, 4:55

Alvaro, you were running 640m instead of 400m.

Just wanted to thank DJ and Michelle for the great coaching today at TT. It was fun! Alvaro, that’s funny!

Scaled to 1.25 pd.
A: 2:47, 3:58
B: 3:43, 3:32

Well, yeah.
A 2:57 and 3:50
B 4:13 and 5:24


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