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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Sunday, April 12, 2020

At Home WOD

Complete all sets for time in any order.

  1. 30 STRICT Pull-ups
  2. 40 Two Foot Vertical Jumps – 24”18”
  3. 50 “Gorilla” Side Shuffle with Two Hand Touch
  4. 60 Prone (Toes Down) Back Extensions
  5. 70 Knee to Elbow Twisting Crunches
  6. 80 Milk Jug Cross Body Ground to Overhead


3 Rounds for reps of:

1:00 Toes to Rings
1:00 Dumbbell Box Step Overs – 35#/20#/hand
1:00 Hip Extension
1:00 Kettlebell Swing – 1.5/1.0 pood
1:00 Forward/Reverse Shuttle – 20ft.
1:00 REST

Coach’s notes:

Post time to complete each set of At Home WOD and reps per movement per round and all totals to comments.

WOD Leaderboard

Comments: 4

About 20 min. But really did side shuffle instead of the gorilla thing. Everything except the 60 ring rows unbroken. Took 3 sets for ring rows. Good day. Really enjoyed yoga this morning. Thanks Rhi and Brett. Happy Easter everyone!

40 2 ft jumps outside 1:45ish
60 ring rows 2:36
60 back extensions 2:09
70 K2E crunches 2:10….yuck
80 MJ G2OH cross overs. 40/side 3:08
50 gorilla shuffles 4:02…..dbl yuck

Thanks guys. Happy Easter 🐣

40 jumps outside
60 rows
50 shuffles
60 extensions
70 K2E tummy tucks
80 staying alive – 40/side (my water jug isn’t very heavy)

Didn’t record time. Just enjoyed moving today.

50 2 hand touch shuttles – forgot to time it
30 Pull ups- 5, then singles, 3:23
40 2 ft vertical jumps – 2:05
60 Prone back ext 1:46
70 Knees to Elbow crunches 1:15
80 Cross body to Ovewrhead 3:00

overall it went better than i anticipated
thanks for the work Brett,

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