Saturday, September 11, 2010
A.1. Weighted Pull-up – 1 rep x 7 sets, rest 2:00
A.2. Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Push Jerk – 1 rep x 7 sets, rest 2:00
Coach’s notes: Post loads for all sets to comments.
A.1. Weighted Pull-up – 1 rep x 7 sets, rest 2:00
A.2. Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Push Jerk – 1 rep x 7 sets, rest 2:00
Coach’s notes: Post loads for all sets to comments.
A1: 5/7.5/10/12.5/15/20 (f)/20 (PR)
A2: 45/65/75/85/95/105(f)/105(f)
Thanks DJ!
A1: 35/45/55/65/70/80/90 (final) 90(PR)
A2: 45/45/45/65/65/85/85 (final) 85 (was concentrating on technique).
Thanks DJ and Taylor for the tips.
A1. 5/10/12.5/15/20/25 (PR)/30 (f)
A2. 75/85/105/115/125/135 (f)/135 (tied PR)
Thanks DJ
Did Fridays workout.
69 KBS -first time using 1pod
34 ring dips- purple band
27 cal
19 burpees
Birthday WOD
A.) 150 burpees 9:57
Rest 10 minutes
B.) 4 rounds for time 30 unanchored sit-ups 20 OH Walking Lunges w/25lb plate 10 Pushups 8:34