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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Saturday, October 9, 2010

21, 15, 9 rep rounds for time:

Ring Push-ups

Toes to Bar

Box Jumps

Coach’s notes:  Guys and gals use 20″ for box jumps.  Post time to complete to comments.

Comments: 12

Thanks for being my partner Cory; Great class Laura (I’m sucking up for Tuesday)

Time: 4:54

Nice work Doug & Cory!

Push-ups a bit of a road block, but T2B worse than I thought they would be…



Great work everyone today! It was fun to be in such a big class!
Thanks for being my partner Carmen! You did awesome!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Push-ups and box jumps were good.
Toes to bar killed me.
Great class. Thanks Laura.

Went to open gym expecting to do shoulder press, front squat and weigthed pull-ups. Somehow between Laura and Alvaro ended up doing the October 3rd WOD. OUCH!
26:30 as Rx’d
Very tough running after the sprints last night!


Thanks Erin for being my partner. Great Job everyone.
Thanks Laura for the tips and making my homework time fun!

5 rds
400 m run
10 power snatches@ 95#
15 KB swings (2 pood)

Time: 29:16

Bars please!!!

Did Annie today 5:38 PR by a minute. Have to learn to do sit-ups as fast as Michelle! Great job today Ryan and Alvaro, that is a hard WOD.

8:04 coulda/shoulda pushed this one a bit harder *another day!*
pushups were slow arms felt like dead weights!
Holy dynamite Doug, Cory – you guys are seriously FAST!!! nice times for everyone today!
Thanks Laura – this was a fun class!! Thanks for partnering with me Meredith!

2 days behind. 7:20. Need to remember to bring chalk…grip was not so good. Doug for an old fella you are very quick:)

As rx’d 8:54. At least the box jumps were easy

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