Saturday, October 4, 2008
As many rounds in 20 minutes:
5 Knees to Elbows
10 Pistols
15 KB Swings
Coach’s notes: Guys use 1.5 pood and gals 1.0 pood for the KB swings. Post number of rounds complete to comments.
CF Kids Calgary will be offering a second class on WEDSNESDAYs at 4:30 starting Wed OCT 22. Please see CFK website tab for more details and contact to register.
CF Kids is also accepting registrations for the next session of CrossFit Kids on Sundays at 2 and 3 pm starting October 19 for 8 sessions.
CrossFit Kids focuses on activities that challenge, keep children learning and help to build a strong foundation for movement, balance and coordination (the basis for all we do) needed for later stages of growth and the springboard for exceptional sport performance later in adolescence and adulthood. AND IT IS REALLY FUN!!!
Had stopwatch problems, but I think I did approx.
10 rounds as Rx’d.
1 rm bench press 200
1 rm dead lift 325
1 rm chin up 295