Saturday, October 16, 2010
5 Rounds for load:
10 Power Cleans
1 Push Press (to back)
15 Walking Lunges
Rest 3:00
Coach’s notes: After the 10th power clean, push press the barbell and lower to your back, then do the 15 walking lunges. Post load for all sets to comments.
So I am assuming we are doing 20 walking lunges, not 15.
Had to break the lunges several times on the last set but it was worth beating Davidq by 2.5#!!!
Good work Hulk
42, 52, 57, 62, 67
Did yesterday’s .com workout 15HPC @ 95# 15 Burpees 3 rounds for time. 4:16 as rx’d, not thrilled with this time. Definately want to do this one again. Did deadlifts after 155×5/175×5/185×5/195×5/200×5/200×5/200×5.
deadlift 20lbs too easy
12 rounds in 8 mins- 5 deadlifts 10 situps 15 burpies
Thanks DJ & Laura
65, 75, 80, 85, 95
65/85/95/100/105- I still need loads of work on my form for the clean. My glutes are sore NOW from the walking lunges which worries me for tomorrow.