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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Saturday, November 3, 2018

In partners complete (one partner working at a time):

100 Switch Lunges
50 Deadlift – 135#/95#
10 Rope Climbs
|50 Front Squats – 135#/95#
100 V Sit-ups

Coach’s notes:

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WOD Leaderboard

Comments: 2

Partnered with Bryan.
Rx’d except I did 75# FS.

Open gym. Derek and Lauren invited me to partake in a delightful bout of fitness with them:

21 hang power cleans (135/95)
21 cal row
100 Double unders.
15 HPC
15 cal row
75 DU
9 cal row
50 DU
I worked at 115# for the cleans. Man my double unders need some work. I have no idea what my time was. But it was slow 100% because of skipping.

Fun one though! Thanks for the invite friends!

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