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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Saturday, November 24, 2007



5 rounds for time:

50 DB overhead walking lunges – 25/leg – 15 lbs/h

15 push up burpees

Coach’s notes:   Hold DB’s overhead so biceps are at ears at all times.   Have active shoulders and no elbow bending on lunges; stay tall.  This is a great midline test.   Chest to deck on burpees with clap of hands overhead.   Post time of completion and experiences to comments.

Comments: 3

Sweet father I look bald from behind. Why does no one tell me these things? And why does no one ever buy me hats?

22 min.
After I duct-taped rod iron to my arms, my elbows never bent. However, it did slow down the burpees.
And Mr. Gaucoin — we are just taking note of your adherence to technical detail that we don’t notice other “features.” By the way, what are you lifting for turkish get-up now? Small cars?

Nope, just small turkish people.

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