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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Saturday, November 14, 2009



For time:

50 KB Swings

25 Deadlift

1 – 15 foot Rope Climb

10 Power Cleans

1 – 15 foot Rope Climb

25 Deadlift

50 KB Swings


Coach’s notes:  Guys use 1.5 pood and gals 1.0 pood for KB swings and 135 lbs and 95 lbs respectively for deadlift.  Post time to complete to comments. 


Comments: 11

Looks like a good one!

use the same weight for PC as DL if possible.

As Rx except cleans scaled to 95Ibs.


Still taking it easy because of cough; just tried to keep breathing steady throughout the workout. This was a fun one though!
Scaled power cleans to 65#. First rope climb I made it about half way up, second only about 1/3 due to feet not gripping to help out. Rest as rx’d.

9:13 as rx’d, have to love the rope climbs! This was a fun one, thanks Trevor. Congrats on the PR for Power Cleans Carmen.

13:16 as rx’d

Way to go on the rope climb Katrin and Chelsea! You make it look so easy!

Scaled to 75# for PC and DL, 0.7 for KB Swings, and sub’d 15 pull ups for first rope climb with blue/purple band, and pulled self up from ground to standing position with rope for second climb, tried to keep legs straight but not there yet.


**If anyone is interested, there are Warithang Orphanage calendars in the office for sale (there’s an envelope to leave money in). They are $15 and 100% proceeds go to the Orphanage Project. Check out June to see the CrossFit Kids pics!Thanks 🙂 **

10:26 as rx’d. I should have been under 10, but I tanked on the second set of KB swings…


As I understand it, the CFC standard for rope climbs starts with the subject in the sitting position with the legs out strait on the floor. This standard makes the rope climbs, an already difficult movement, a much more grueling experience.

Crossfit is about functional movement. A sitting position with your legs straight on the floor is not how you would climb a rope in a functional way! Plus the roof is probably closer to 18′, so for a 15′ rope climb I just try to crouch down a bit to start.

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