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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Saturday, November 1, 2008


5 rounds for time of:

400 m run

35 Push Press

Coach’s notes:   Guys use 75 lbs, gals use 45 lbs for push press.  Post time to complete to comments.

Compare to June 29, 2008

Comments: 8

if I had a dime for everytime I’ve seen Rob C in that position!

Nobody move!!!! I lost my contact!!!

WOD this morning at Rob Sifton’s garage Gym(great place Rob)
“Jackie” 7;02

OHS 5-5-5-5-5 :180
76.5,86.5,96.5,101.5,104 (3) Prev PB 96.5
Chin ups 1-1-1-1 :180
75,85,90,95(f) Prev PB 95, just missed my mm’s
KB Swings, 21 :120 *3
Row tech

Thanks Giles, you did a great Jackie,
Awesome effort put forth, even with the extra heat.

As rx’d 34:03

Rebecca – First 3 rounds w/ 20 lb DBs, last two w/ 45 lb Bar

As Rx’d

18:24…tough one…but good to get outside with the great weather…

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