Saturday, May 10, 2008
Five rounds for time of:
20 Pull-ups
40 Push-ups
60 Squats
Coach’s notes: Post time to complete to comments.
Five rounds for time of:
20 Pull-ups
40 Push-ups
60 Squats
Coach’s notes: Post time to complete to comments.
Good grief, there’s been a massacre!
I want to know what workout they did! Looks devastating!
27:47…..they look like I felt today!
Just couldn’t get excited to do this one in my basement as Rx’d.
– Strict Pull-ups on rings, 10 false grip, rings to chest + 10 “normal” grip
– 40 ring push-ups (rings at ground level)
– 30 squats with 60 lb barbell.
Only 4 rounds. 44:29
felt under the weather but did this at the Y today.
Did as Rx’d but 4th and 5th rounds did assisted pullups with red band. I find it harder to kip with the band though!
Arms feel heavy like they belong on an ape!
if I remember that workout was 5 (or 10?) push ups, 10 (or 15?) kettle bell swings and 40 squats (or 20 single leg squats if you were awesome) as many rounds in 20 minutes as possible..I remember just collapsing at the end…a gross workout…
today… 26:17 in class….did 60 back extensions instead of squats b/c I have sprained ankle (now that I did this I would have much rather done squats…the BE’s killed me)…I felt dizzy for 10 minutes after…and had another 3 good skin tears…sorry for the blood…in fact to my count I have had 12 skin tears in the past 2 weeks b/c of all the kipping I have been practicing…that said I was really pleased with my kips today……
Too nice outside! Ran 10K with my daugheter on her bike
For Time: 12:45
50 chin ups
10 oush jerks – 105 lb
35 chin ups
20 push jerks – 100 lb
20 chin ups
30 push jerks – 95 lb
I completely forgot to look at my time because I was to busy walking around like Popeye. I should have some very tired arms tomorrow. This was fun!!
14:57 as rx’d
Sunday am