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Lifting Ourselves and One Another

Saturday, May 1, 2010

As many rounds in 20 minutes of:

5 HSPU’s

15 Unbroken KB SDLHP

Coach’s notes:  Guys use 2.0 pood and gals 1.5 pood for the SDLHP.  Post rounds completed to comments.

Reminder- CFC is hosting a CrossFit Cert this weekend May 1-2 so we are running a modified class schedule:
Adult Class at 7am only both days- all other classes canceled
TT Oly at 5:30pm both days
CFC Kids, Teens and Pre-schoolers outside at Arbour Lake at regular times (weather dependent)

Comments: 2

Crossfit Kids, meet at Arbour Lake today for class. Make sure you dress warmly!

8 rounds + 2 HSPU’s
First 2 rounds with 1.5 pood for SDLHP, then scaled to 1.25 to be able to maintain the unbroken 15.
All HSPU’s with blue band on top, two purple bands for harness, and Gord to help me get into position.
Thanks Gord for all of your help and for keeping me safe!

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