Saturday, March 21, 2009
“FUCT” – 10 Rounds for reps:
1:00 Squats
1:00 Rest
Coach’s notes: Post number of reps per round and total to comments.
Compare to December 25, 2008
CrossFit Kids classes at CFC HQ-Tues 4:15-5 and Sat 8:45-9:30 for children ages 6-12. Introduce your child(ren) to the benefits of CrossFit while you do your WOD, and have them show you how fun fitness can be!! Up to two classes per week for only $50/child/month. Drop in and try it out for only $15/class.
oh. that’s a pretty good name for this workout 🙂
appropriately named!
433, a whole 2 more than last time!
steady does it, both times Itried to go faster I maxed out around 20 then got the worst 2 rounds of them all
oh yeah, 436
Nice initiation to CrossFit.